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Trino Community Broadcast

The Trino Community Broadcast is a show about the Trino project and community. Topics include the data sources, clients, add-ons, platforms and usages of Trino. We interview users, contributors, partners, and other community members about their connection to Trino, look at demos together, and chat about the tech stacks, the code, and often explain concepts along the way.

Each episode also brings you news about the latest releases, events, and interesting developments in the ecosystem around Trino.

Upcoming episodes

22 May 2024: Trino Community Broadcast 60 - AI functions
Isa Inalcik chats with us a bit about his work with Trino at BestSecret before we dive into his exploration of creating Trino functions that use generative AI systems.
20 June 2024: Trino Community Broadcast 61 - Power BI client
Patrick Pichler joins us to talk about his small project of a PowerBI client for Trino that is gaining interest across the community.
11 July 2024: Trino Community Broadcast 62 - Trino at Prezi
Vincenzo Cassaro could not make it to present at Trino Fest in person, so now he will join us for an episode to talk about using Trino at Prezi.

Find more details and other events on our calendar.

Trino users, contributors, and partners, we want to hear from you! If you have a topic, question or pull request that you would like us to feature on the show join the Trino slack and contact us there.


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58: Understanding your users with Trino and Mitzu
Listen, watch, or read the show notes...
57: Seeing clearly with OpenTelemetry
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56: The vast possibilities of VAST and Trino
Listen, watch, or read the show notes...
55: Commander Bun Bun peeks at Peaka
Listen, watch, or read the show notes...
54: Trino 2023 wrapped
Listen, watch, or read the show notes...
53: Understanding your data with Coginiti and Trino
Listen, watch, or read the show notes...
52: Commander Bun Bun takes a bite out of Yugabyte
Listen, watch, or read the show notes...
51: Trino cools off with PopSQL
Listen, watch, or read the show notes...
50: Celebrating 50 episodes of Trino Community Broadcast
Listen, watch, or read the show notes...