Open Policy Agent access control#

The Open Policy Agent access control plugin enables the use of Open Policy Agent (OPA) as authorization engine for fine-grained access control to catalogs, schemas, tables, and more in Trino. Policies are defined in OPA, and Trino checks access control privileges in OPA.


  • A running OPA deployment

  • Network connectivity from the Trino cluster to the OPA server

With the requirements fulfilled, you can proceed to set up Trino and OPA with your desired access control configuration.

Trino configuration#

To use only OPA for access control, create the file etc/ with the following minimal configuration:

To combine OPA access control with file-based or other access control systems, configure multiple access control configuration file paths in etc/


Order the configuration files list in the desired order of the different systems for overall access control. Configure each access-control system in the specified files.

The following table lists the configuration properties for the OPA access control:

OPA access control configuration properties#




The required URI for the OPA endpoint, for example,


The optional URI for fetching row filters - if not set no row filtering is applied. For example,


The optional URI for fetching column masks - if not set no masking is applied. For example,


The optional URI for fetching columns masks in batches; must not be used with opa.policy.column-masking-uri. For example,


The optional URI for activating batch mode for certain authorization queries where batching is applicable, for example Batch mode is described Batch mode.


Configure if request details, including URI, headers and the entire body, are logged prior to sending them to OPA. Defaults to false.


Configure if OPA response details, including URI, status code, headers and the entire body, are logged. Defaults to false.


Configure if permission management operations are allowed. Find more details in Permission management. Defaults to false.


Optional HTTP client configurations for the connection from Trino to OPA, for example opa.http-client.http-proxy for configuring the HTTP proxy. Find more details in HTTP client properties.


When request or response logging is enabled, details are logged at the DEBUG level under the io.trino.plugin.opa.OpaHttpClient logger. The Trino logging configuration must be updated to include this class, to ensure log entries are created.

Note that enabling these options produces very large amounts of log data.

Permission management#

The following operations are allowed or denied based on the setting of opa.allow-permission-management If set to true, these operations are allowed. If set to false, they are denied. In both cases, no request is sent to OPA.

  • GrantSchemaPrivilege

  • DenySchemaPrivilege

  • RevokeSchemaPrivilege

  • GrantTablePrivilege

  • DenyTablePrivilege

  • RevokeTablePrivilege

  • CreateRole

  • DropRole

  • GrantRoles

  • RevokeRoles

The setting defaults to false due to the complexity and potential unexpected consequences of having SQL-style grants and roles together with OPA.

You must enable permission management if another custom security system in Trino is capable of grant management and used together with OPA access control.

Additionally, users are always allowed to show information about roles (SHOW ROLES), regardless of this setting. The following operations are always allowed:

  • ShowRoles

  • ShowCurrentRoles

  • ShowRoleGrants

OPA configuration#

The OPA access control in Trino contacts OPA for each query and issues an authorization request. OPA must return a response containing a boolean allow field, which determines whether the operation is permitted or not.

Policies in OPA are defined with the purpose built policy language Rego. Find more information in the detailed documentation. After the initial installation and configuration in Trino, these policies are the main configuration aspect for your access control setup.

A query from the OPA access control in Trino to OPA contains a context and an action as its top level fields.

The context object contains all other contextual information about the query:

  • identity: The identity of the user performing the operation, containing the following two fields:

    • user: username

    • groups: list of groups this user belongs to

  • softwareStack: Information about the software stack issuing the request to OPA. The following information is included:

    • trinoVersion: Version of Trino used

The action object contains information about what action is performed on what resources. The following fields are provided:

  • operation: the performed operation, for example SelectFromColumns.

  • resource: information about the accessed objects

  • targetResource: information about any newly created object, if applicable

  • grantee: grantee of a grant operation.

Fields that are not applicable for a specific operation are set to null. Examples are an empty targetResource if not modifying a table or schema or catalog is modified, or an empty grantee if not granting permissions is set. Any null field is omitted altogether from the action object.

Example requests to OPA#

Accessing a table results in a query similar to the following example:

  "context": {
    "identity": {
      "user": "foo",
      "groups": ["some-group"]
    "softwareStack": {
      "trinoVersion": "434"
  "action": {
    "operation": "SelectFromColumns",
    "resource": {
      "table": {
        "catalogName": "example_catalog",
        "schemaName": "example_schema",
        "tableName": "example_table",
        "columns": [

The targetResource is used in cases where a new resource, distinct from the one in resource is created. For example, when renaming a table.

  "context": {
    "identity": {
      "user": "foo",
      "groups": ["some-group"]
    "softwareStack": {
      "trinoVersion": "434"
  "action": {
    "operation": "RenameTable",
    "resource": {
      "table": {
        "catalogName": "example_catalog",
        "schemaName": "example_schema",
        "tableName": "example_table"
    "targetResource": {
      "table": {
        "catalogName": "example_catalog",
        "schemaName": "example_schema",
        "tableName": "new_table_name"

Row filtering#

Row filtering allows Trino to remove some rows from the result before returning it to the caller, controlling what data different users can see. The plugin supports retrieving filter definitions from OPA by configuring the OPA endpoint for row filter processing with opa.policy.row-filters-uri.

For example, an OPA policy for row filtering may be defined by the following rego script:

  package trino
  import future.keywords.if
  import future.keywords.contains

  default allow := true

  table_resource := input.action.resource.table
  is_admin {
    input.context.identity.user == "admin"

  rowFilters contains {"expression": "user_type <> 'customer'"} if {
      not is_admin
      table_resource.catalogName == "sample_catalog"
      table_resource.schemaName == "sample_schema"
      table_resource.tableName == "restricted_table"

The response expected by the plugin is an array of objects, each of them in the format {"expression":"clause"}. Each expression essentially behaves like an additional WHERE clause. The script can also return multiple row filters for a single OPA request, and all filters are subsequently applied.

Each object may contain an identity field. The identity field allows Trino to evaluate these row filters under a different identity - such that a filter can target a column the requesting user cannot see.

Column masking#

Column masking allows Trino to obscure data in one or more columns of the result set for specific users, without outright denying access. The plugin supports fetching column masks from OPA by configuring the OPA endpoint for columns mask processing with opa.policy.column-masking-uri in the opa-plugin configuration.

For example, a policy configuring column masking may be defined by the following rego script:

  package trino
  import future.keywords.if
  import future.keywords.contains

  default allow := true

  column_resource := input.action.resource.column
  is_admin {
    input.context.identity.user == "admin"

  columnMask := {"expression": "NULL"} if {
      not is_admin
      column_resource.catalogName == "sample_catalog"
      column_resource.schemaName == "sample_schema"
      column_resource.tableName == "restricted_table"
      column_resource.columnName == "user_phone"

  columnMask := {"expression": "'****' || substring(user_name, -3)"} if {
      not is_admin
      column_resource.catalogName == "sample_catalog"
      column_resource.schemaName == "sample_schema"
      column_resource.tableName == "restricted_table"
      column_resource.columnName == "user_name"

Unlike row filtering, only a single column mask may be returned for a given column.

The same “identity” field may be returned to evaluate column masks under a different identity.

Batch column masking#

If column masking is enabled, by default, the plugin will fetch each column mask individually from OPA. When working with very wide tables this can result in a performance degradation.

Configuring opa.policy.batch-column-masking-uri allows Trino to fetch the masks for multiple columns in a single request. The list of requested columns is included in the request under action.filterResources.

If opa.policy.batch-column-masking-uri is set it overrides the value of opa.policy.column-masking-uri so that the plugin uses batch column masking.

An OPA policy supporting batch column masking must return a list of objects, each containing the following data:

  • viewExpression:

    • expression: the expression to apply to the column, as a string

    • identity (optional): the identity to evaluate the expression as, as a string

  • index: a reference the index of the column in the request to which this mask applies

For example, a policy configuring batch column masking may be defined by the following rego script:

package trino
import future.keywords.if
import future.keywords.contains

default allow := true

batchColumnMasks contains {
  "index": i,
  "viewExpression": {
    "expression": "NULL"
} if {
  some i
  column_resource := input.action.filterResources[i]
  column_resource.catalogName == "sample_catalog"
  column_resource.schemaName == "sample_schema"
  column_resource.tableName == "restricted_table"
  column_resource.columnName == "user_phone"

batchColumnMasks contains {
  "index": i,
  "viewExpression": {
    "expression": "'****' || substring(user_name, -3)",
    "identity": "admin"
} if {
  some i
  column_resource := input.action.filterResources[i]
  column_resource.catalogName == "sample_catalog"
  column_resource.schemaName == "sample_schema"
  column_resource.tableName == "restricted_table"
  column_resource.columnName == "user_name"

A batch column masking request is similar to the following example:

    "context": {
        "identity": {
            "user": "foo",
            "groups": ["some-group"]
        "softwareStack": {
            "trinoVersion": "434"
    "action": {
        "operation": "GetColumnMask",
        "filterResources": [
                "column": {
                    "catalogName": "sample_catalog",
                    "schemaName": "sample_schema",
                    "tableName": "restricted_table",
                    "columnName": "user_phone",
                    "columnType": "VARCHAR"
                "column": {
                    "catalogName": "sample_catalog",
                    "schemaName": "sample_schema",
                    "tableName": "restricted_table",
                    "columnName": "user_name",
                    "columnType": "VARCHAR"

The related OPA response is displayed in the following snippet:

        "index": 0,
        "viewExpression": {
            "expression": "NULL"
        "index": 1,
        "viewExpression": {
            "expression": "'****' || substring(user_name, -3)",
            "identity": "admin"

Batch mode#

A very powerful feature provided by OPA is its ability to respond to authorization queries with more complex answers than a true or false boolean value.

Many features in Trino require filtering to determine to which resources a user is granted access. These resources are catalogs, schema, queries, views, and others objects.

If opa.policy.batched-uri is not configured, Trino sends one request to OPA for each object, and then creates a filtered list of permitted objects.

Configuring opa.policy.batched-uri allows Trino to send a request to the batch endpoint, with a list of resources in one request using the under action.filterResources node.

All other fields in the request are identical to the non-batch endpoint.

An OPA policy supporting batch operations must return a list containing the indices of the items for which authorization is granted. Returning a null value or an empty list is equivalent and denies any access.

You can add batching support for policies that do not support it:

package foo

import future.keywords.contains

# ... rest of the policy ...
# this assumes the non-batch response field is called "allow"
batch contains i {
    some i
    raw_resource := input.action.filterResources[i]
    allow with input.action.resource as raw_resource

# Corner case: filtering columns is done with a single table item, and many columns inside
# We cannot use our normal logic in other parts of the policy as they are based on sets
# and we need to retain order
batch contains i {
    some i
    input.action.operation == "FilterColumns"
    count(input.action.filterResources) == 1
    raw_resource := input.action.filterResources[0]
    count(raw_resource["table"]["columns"]) > 0
    new_resources := [
        object.union(raw_resource, {"table": {"column": column_name}})
        | column_name := raw_resource["table"]["columns"][_]
    allow with input.action.resource as new_resources[i]