Trino concepts#
To understand Trino, you must first understand the terms and concepts used throughout the Trino documentation.
While it is easy to understand statements and queries, as an end-user you should have familiarity with concepts such as stages and splits to take full advantage of Trino to execute efficient queries. As a Trino administrator or a Trino contributor you should understand how Trino’s concepts of stages map to tasks and how tasks contain a set of drivers which process data.
This section provides a solid definition for the core concepts referenced throughout Trino, and these sections are sorted from most general to most specific.
The book Trino: The Definitive Guide and the research paper Presto: SQL on Everything can provide further information about Trino and the concepts in use.
Trino is a distributed query engine that processes data in parallel across multiple servers. There are two types of Trino servers, coordinators and workers. The following sections describe these servers and other components of Trino’s architecture.
A Trino cluster consists of several Trino nodes - one coordinator and zero or more workers. Users connect to the coordinator with their SQL query tool. The coordinator collaborates with the workers. The coordinator and the workers access the connected data sources. This access is configured in catalogs.
Processing each query is a stateful operation. The workload is orchestrated by the coordinator and spread parallel across all workers in the cluster. Each node runs Trino in one JVM instance, and processing is parallelized further using threads.
Any Trino server in a specific Trino cluster is considered a node of the cluster. Technically this refers to the Java process running the Trino program, but node is often used to refer to the computer running the process due to the recommendation to run only one Trino process per computer.
The Trino coordinator is the server that is responsible for parsing statements, planning queries, and managing Trino worker nodes. It is the “brain” of a Trino installation and is also the node to which a client connects to submit statements for execution. Every Trino installation must have a Trino coordinator alongside one or more Trino workers. For development or testing purposes, a single instance of Trino can be configured to perform both roles.
The coordinator keeps track of the activity on each worker and coordinates the execution of a query. The coordinator creates a logical model of a query involving a series of stages, which is then translated into a series of connected tasks running on a cluster of Trino workers.
Coordinators communicate with workers and clients using a REST API.
A Trino worker is a server in a Trino installation, which is responsible for executing tasks and processing data. Worker nodes fetch data from connectors and exchange intermediate data with each other. The coordinator is responsible for fetching results from the workers and returning the final results to the client.
When a Trino worker process starts up, it advertises itself to the discovery server in the coordinator, which makes it available to the Trino coordinator for task execution.
Workers communicate with other workers and Trino coordinators using a REST API.
Clients allow you to connect to Trino, submit SQL queries, and receive the results. Clients can access all configured data sources using catalogs. Clients are full-featured client applications or client drivers and libraries that allow you to connect with any application supporting that driver, or even your own custom application or script.
Clients applications include command line tools, desktop applications, web-based applications, and software-as-a-service solutions with features such as interactive SQL query authoring with editors, or rich user interfaces for graphical query creation, query running and result rendering, visualizations with charts and graphs, reporting, and dashboard creation.
Client application that support other query languages or user interface components to build a query, must translate each request to SQL as supported by Trino.
More details are available in the Trino client documentation.
Trino uses a plugin architecture to extend its capabilities and integrate with various data sources and other systems. Details about different types of plugins, installation, removal, and other aspects are available in the Plugin documentation.
Data source#
Trino is a query engine that you can use to query many different data sources. They include data lakes and lakehouses, numerous relational database management systems, key-value stores, and many other data stores.
A comprehensive list with more details for each data source is available on the Trino website.
Data sources provide the data for Trino to query. Configure a catalog with the required Trino connector for the specific data source to access the data. With Trino you are ready to use any supported client to query the data sources using SQL and the features of your client.
Throughout this documentation, you’ll read terms such as connector, catalog, schema, and table. These fundamental concepts cover Trino’s model of a particular data source and are described in the following section.
A connector adapts Trino to a data source such as a data lake using Hadoop/Hive or Apache Iceberg, or a relational database such as PostgreSQL. You can think of a connector the same way you think of a driver for a database. It is an implementation of Trino’s service provider interface (SPI), which allows Trino to interact with a resource using a standard API.
Trino contains many built-in connectors:
Connectors for data lakes and lakehouses including the Delta Lake, Hive, Hudi, and Iceberg connectors.
Connectors for relational database management systems, including the MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server connectors.
Connectors for a variety of other systems, including the Cassandra, ClickHouse, OpenSearch, Pinot, Prometheus, SingleStore, and Snowflake connectors.
A number of other utility connectors such as the JMX, System, and TPC-H connectors.
Every catalog uses a specific connector. If you examine a catalog configuration
file, you see that each contains a mandatory property
with the
value identifying the connector.
A Trino catalog is a collection of configuration properties used to access a
specific data source, including the required connector and any other details
such as credentials and URL. Catalogs are defined in properties files stored in
the Trino configuration directory. The name of the properties file determines
the name of the catalog. For example, the properties file
results in a catalog name example
You can configure and use many catalogs, with different or identical connectors, to access different data sources. For example, if you have two data lakes, you can configure two catalogs in a single Trino cluster that both use the Hive connector, allowing you to query data from both clusters, even within the same SQL query. You can also use a Hive connector for one catalog to access a data lake, and use the Iceberg connector for another catalog to access the data lakehouse. Or, you can configure different catalogs to access different PostgreSQL database. The combination of different catalogs is determined by your needs to access different data sources only.
A catalog contains one or more schemas, which in turn contain objects such as
tables, views, or materialized views. When addressing an objects such as tables
in Trino, the fully-qualified name is always rooted in a catalog. For example, a
fully-qualified table name of example.test_data.test
refers to the test
table in the test_data
schema in the example
Schemas are a way to organize tables. Together, a catalog and schema define a set of tables and other objects that can be queried. When accessing Hive or a relational database such as MySQL with Trino, a schema translates to the same concept in the target database. Other types of connectors may organize tables into schemas in a way that makes sense for the underlying data source.
A table is a set of unordered rows, which are organized into named columns with types. This is the same as in any relational database. Type mapping from source data to Trino is defined by the connector, varies across connectors, and is documented in the specific connector documentation, for example the type mapping in the PostgreSQL connector.
Query execution model#
Trino executes SQL statements and turns these statements into queries, that are executed across a distributed cluster of coordinator and workers.
Trino executes ANSI-compatible SQL statements. When the Trino documentation refers to a statement, it is referring to statements as defined in the ANSI SQL standard, which consists of clauses, expressions, and predicates.
Some readers might be curious why this section lists separate concepts for statements and queries. This is necessary because, in Trino, statements simply refer to the textual representation of a statement written in SQL. When a statement is executed, Trino creates a query along with a query plan that is then distributed across a series of Trino workers.
When Trino parses a statement, it converts it into a query and creates a distributed query plan, which is then realized as a series of interconnected stages running on Trino workers. When you retrieve information about a query in Trino, you receive a snapshot of every component that is involved in producing a result set in response to a statement.
The difference between a statement and a query is simple. A statement can be thought of as the SQL text that is passed to Trino, while a query refers to the configuration and components instantiated to execute that statement. A query encompasses stages, tasks, splits, connectors, and other components and data sources working in concert to produce a result.
When Trino executes a query, it does so by breaking up the execution into a hierarchy of stages. For example, if Trino needs to aggregate data from one billion rows stored in Hive, it does so by creating a root stage to aggregate the output of several other stages, all of which are designed to implement different sections of a distributed query plan.
The hierarchy of stages that comprises a query resembles a tree. Every query has a root stage, which is responsible for aggregating the output from other stages. Stages are what the coordinator uses to model a distributed query plan, but stages themselves don’t run on Trino workers.
As mentioned in the previous section, stages model a particular section of a distributed query plan, but stages themselves don’t execute on Trino workers. To understand how a stage is executed, you need to understand that a stage is implemented as a series of tasks distributed over a network of Trino workers.
Tasks are the “work horse” in the Trino architecture as a distributed query plan is deconstructed into a series of stages, which are then translated to tasks, which then act upon or process splits. A Trino task has inputs and outputs, and just as a stage can be executed in parallel by a series of tasks, a task is executing in parallel with a series of drivers.
Tasks operate on splits, which are sections of a larger data set. Stages at the lowest level of a distributed query plan retrieve data via splits from connectors, and intermediate stages at a higher level of a distributed query plan retrieve data from other stages.
When Trino is scheduling a query, the coordinator queries a connector for a list of all splits that are available for a table. The coordinator keeps track of which machines are running which tasks, and what splits are being processed by which tasks.
Tasks contain one or more parallel drivers. Drivers act upon data and combine operators to produce output that is then aggregated by a task and then delivered to another task in another stage. A driver is a sequence of operator instances, or you can think of a driver as a physical set of operators in memory. It is the lowest level of parallelism in the Trino architecture. A driver has one input and one output.
An operator consumes, transforms and produces data. For example, a table scan fetches data from a connector and produces data that can be consumed by other operators, and a filter operator consumes data and produces a subset by applying a predicate over the input data.
Exchanges transfer data between Trino nodes for different stages of a query. Tasks produce data into an output buffer and consume data from other tasks using an exchange client.