OpenLineage event listener#

The OpenLineage event listener plugin allows streaming of lineage information, encoded in JSON format aligned with OpenLineage specification, to an external, OpenLineage copmpatible API, by POSTing them to a specified URI.


This event listener is aiming to capture every query that creates or modifies trino tables and transform it into lineage information. Linage can be understood as relationship/flow between data/tables. OpenLineage is a widely used open-source standard for capturing lineage information from variety of system including (but not limited to) Spark, Airflow, Flink.

Trino Query attributes mapping to OpenLineage attributes#



{UUID(Query Id)}

Run ID

{queryCreatedEvent.getCreateTime()} or {queryCompletedEvent.getEndTime()}

Run Event Time

Query Id

Job Facet Name

trino:// + {openlineage-event-listener.trino.uri.getHost()} + ":" + {openlineage-event-listener.trino.uri.getPort()}

Job Facet Namespace (default, can be overriden)


Dataset Name

trino:// + {openlineage-event-listener.trino.uri.getHost()} + ":" + {openlineage-event-listener.trino.uri.getPort()}

Dataset Namespace

Available Trino Facets#

Trino Metadata#

Facet containing properties (if present):

  • queryPlan

  • transactionId - transaction id used for query processing

related to query based on which OpenLineage Run Event was generated.

Available in both Start and Complete/Fail OpenLineage events.

If you want to disable this facet, add trino_metadata to openlineage-event-listener.disabled-facets.

Trino Query Context#

Facet containing properties:

  • serverVersion - version of Trino server that was used to process the query

  • environment - inherited from node.environment of Node properties

  • queryType - one of query types configured via openlineage-event-listener.trino.include-query-types

related to query based on which OpenLineage Run Event was generated.

Available in both Start and Complete/Fail OpenLineage events.

If you want to disable this facet, add trino_query_context to openlineage-event-listener.disabled-facets.

Trino Query Statistics#

Facet containing full contents of query statistics of completed. Available only in OpenLineage Complete/Fail events.

If you want to disable this facet, add trino_query_statistics to openlineage-event-listener.disabled-facets.


You need to perform the following steps:

  • Provide an HTTP/S service that accepts POST events with a JSON body and is compatible with the OpenLineage API format.

  • Configure openlineage-event-listener.transport.url in the event listener properties file with the URI of the service

  • Configure openlineage-event-listener.trino.uri so proper OpenLineage job namespace is render within produced events. Needs to be proper uri with scheme, host and port (otherwise plugin will fail to start).

  • Configure what events to send as detailed in Configuration


To configure the OpenLineage event listener, create an event listener properties file in etc named with the following contents as an example of minimal required configuration:
openlineage-event-listener.trino.uri=<Address of your Trino coordinator>

Add etc/ to event-listener.config-files in Config properties:

OpenLineage event listener configuration properties#

Property name




Type of transport to use when emitting lineage information. See Supported Transport Types for list of available options with descriptions.


Trino hostname. Used to render Job Namespace in OpenLineage. Required.



Trino port. Used to render Job Namespace in OpenLineage. Required.



Which types of queries should be taken into account when emitting lineage information. List of values split by comma. Each value must be matching io.trino.spi.resourcegroups.QueryType enum. Query types not included here are filtered out.



Which Available Trino Facets should be not included in final OpenLineage event. Allowed values: trino_metadata, trino_query_context, trino_query_statistics.



Custom namespace to be used for Job namespace attribute. If blank will default to Dataset Namespace.


Supported Transport Types#

  • CONSOLE - sends OpenLineage JSON event to Trino coordinator standard output.

  • HTTP - sends OpenLineage JSON event to OpenLineage compatible HTTP endpoint.

OpenLineage HTTP Transport Configuration properties#

Property name




URL of OpenLineage . Required if HTTP transport is configured.



Custom path for OpenLineage compatible endpoint. If configured, there cannot be any custom path within openlineage-event-listener.transport.url.



API key (string value) used to authenticate with the service. at openlineage-event-listener.transport.url.



Timeout when making HTTP Requests.



List of custom HTTP headers to be sent along with the events. See Custom HTTP headers for more details.



List of custom url params to be added to final HTTP Request. See Custom URL Params for more details.


Custom HTTP headers#

Providing custom HTTP headers is a useful mechanism for sending metadata along with event messages.

Providing headers follows the pattern of key:value pairs separated by commas:

openlineage-event-listener.transport.headers="Header-Name-1:header value 1,Header-Value-2:header value 2,..."

If you need to use a comma(,) or colon(:) in a header name or value, escape it using a backslash (\).

Keep in mind that these are static, so they can not carry information taken from the event itself.

Custom URL Params#

Providing additional URL Params included in final HTTP Request.

Providing url params follows the pattern of key:value pairs separated by commas:

openlineage-event-listener.transport.url-params="Param-Name-1:param value 1,Param-Value-2:param value 2,..."

Keep in mind that these are static, so they can not carry information taken from the event itself.