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Row pattern recognition with MATCH_RECOGNIZE

The MATCH_RECOGNIZE syntax was introduced in the latest SQL specification of 2016. It is a super powerful tool for analyzing trends in your data. We are proud to announce that Trino supports this great feature since version 356. With MATCH_RECOGNIZE, you can define a pattern using the well-known regular expression syntax, and match it to a set of rows. Upon finding a matching row sequence, you can retrieve all kinds of detailed or summary information about the match, and pass it on to be processed by the subsequent parts of your query. This is a new level of what a pure SQL statement can do.

This blog post gives you a taste of row pattern matching capabilities, and a quick overview of the MATCH_RECOGNIZE syntax.

A regular expression and a table: a fruitful relationship #

The regex matching we all know is about searching for patterns in character strings. But how does a regex match a sequence of rows? Certainly, a row of data is a more complex structure than a character. And so, row pattern matching is more expressive than regex matching in text. Unlike characters, which stay constantly in their places in a string, rows aren’t assigned up-front to pattern components. This is where the additional level of complexity comes from: whether the row is an A, B or C, is conditional. It is revealed as the pattern matching goes forward. It depends on the data in the row, but also on the context of the current match and even on the match number. Also, a row can match different labels at a time.

Consider this simple example:


First, let’s match it to the string "ABBCEE". There is exactly one way to match it: the prefix "ABBC" is a match.

Now, let’s see what it takes to match a pattern to rows of a table. Consider the table numbers with a single column number:

You need defining conditions to define how the rows of the table can be mapped to pattern components A, B, C and D:

    A <- true (matches every row)
    B <- number is greater than previous number
    C <- number is lower or equal to A
    D <- matches every row, but only in the first match;
         otherwise doesn't match any row

As you can see, the conditions can refer to other pattern components (C depends on A), or the sequential match number (D).

When searching for a match, the engine goes row by row, and assigns labels according to the pattern. Every time the pattern shows the next component (label) to be matched, the defining condition of that component is evaluated for the current row in the context of the partial match.

After finding a match, you can step one row forward and search for another one.

So far, two matches were found in the same set of rows. Interestingly, a row that was labeled as B in the first match, became A in the second match. Let’s try to find another match.

Time to get more technical #

…and use some real life money examples.

In the preceding examples, the pattern consisted of components A, B, C and D. They were chosen this way to capture the analogy between pattern matching in a string and pattern matching in a set of rows. According to the SQL specification, row pattern components can be named with arbitrary identifiers, as long as they are compliant with the SQL identifier semantics, so you don’t need to limit yourself to single-letter names, and instead you can use more verbose labels.

Officially, the pattern components, or labels, are called the primary pattern variables. They are the basic components of the row pattern. Consider the following example:


There are three primary pattern variables: START, DOWN and UP. The + is the “one or more” quantifier you know from the regex syntax. Intuitively, this pattern should match a sequence of rows which are first “decreasing”, and then “increasing”. You need to inform the engine how it should map rows to the variables. In other words, you need to define what the “decreasing” and “increasing” rows are:

DEFINE DOWN AS price < PREV(price),
       UP AS price > PREV(price)

Now it’s clear that “decreasing” and “increasing” is about the price values. There is no defining condition for the START variable, which informs the engine that the match can start anywhere.

The preceding example shows the two key clauses of row pattern recognition: PATTERN and DEFINE. Let’s see what other keywords there are in the MATCH_RECOHNIZE clause.

Syntax overview #

The MATCH_RECOGNIZE syntax is long and rich enough to capture everything that a pattern matching tool needs, and all the options which let you easily toggle your matching strategies.

Technically, MATCH_RECOGNIZE is part of the FROM clause:

    FROM some_table
          [ PARTITION BY column [, ...] ]
          [ ORDER BY column [, ...] ]
          [ MEASURES measure_definition [, ...] ]
          [ rows_per_match ]
          [ AFTER MATCH skip_to ]
          PATTERN ( row_pattern )
          [ SUBSET subset_definition [, ...] ]
          DEFINE variable_definition [, ...]

MATCH_RECOGNIZE can be used in the query as one of the stages of processing data. You can SELECT from its results or even stream them into another MATCH_RECOGNIZE.

The PATTERN and DEFINE clauses are the heart of row pattern recognition. They are also the only two required subclauses of MATCH_RECOGNIZE. They were touched upon in the previous section.

The pattern syntax is close to regular expression syntax. It also supports some extensions specific to row pattern recognition. They are explained in Row pattern syntax.

The PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses are similar to those in the WINDOW syntax. They help you structure the input data. You can use PARTITION BY to break up your data into independent chunks. ORDER BY is useful to establish the order of rows before searching for the pattern. Typically, you want to analyze series of events over time, so ordering by date is a good choice.

In the MEASURES clause, you can specify what information you need about every match that is found. In the example, if you’re interested in the order date, the lowest value of price and the sequential number of the match, this is the way to retrieve them:

MEASURES order_date AS date,
         LAST(DOWN.price) AS bottom_price,
         MATCH_NUMBER() AS match_no

date, bottom_price and match_no are exposed by the pattern recognition clause as output columns.

The expressions in the MEASURES and DEFINE clauses allow you to combine the input data with the information about the matched pattern. They support many extensions and special constructs to help you get the most of your data, both when defining the pattern, and retrieving useful information after a successful match. The special keyword LAST is one example. For the full list of the magic spells, check Expressions for special tasks.

The MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause has two useful toggles. The first of them lets you choose whether the output includes all rows of the match, or a single-row summary. For all rows, specify ALL ROWS PER MATCH. For a single row, choose the default ONE ROW PER MATCH. There are also sub-options available, enabling different handling of empty matches and unmatched rows.

Another toggle is the AFTER MATCH SKIP clause. It allows you to specify where the row pattern matching resumes after finding a match. The default option is AFTER MATCH SKIP PAST LAST ROW, but you can also skip to the next row or to a specific position in the match based on the matched pattern variables.

The SUBSET clause is where the union pattern variables are defined. They are a concise way to refer to a group of primary pattern variables:


The following expression returns the value of price from the last row matched either to DOWN or UP primary variable:


Row pattern syntax #

The basic element of row pattern is the primary pattern variable. Other syntax components include:




A | B | C




(A B C)

Partition start anchor


Partition end anchor


Empty pattern


Exclusion syntax

{- row_pattern -}

Exclusion syntax is useful in combination with the ALL ROWS PER MATCH option. If you find some sections of the match uninteresting, you can wrap them in the exclusion, and they are dropped from the output.


Row pattern syntax supports all kinds of quantifiers: the basic ones *, +, ?, and others, which let you specify the exact number of repetitions, or the accepted range: {n}, {n, m}, {n,}, {,n}. Make sure you don’t confuse those:

  • {n} is for exactly n repetitions,
  • {n,} is equal to {n, ∞},
  • {,n} is equal to {0, n}.

Quantifiers are greedy by default. It means that they prefer higher number of repetitions over lower number. If you want it the other way, you can change a quantifier to reluctant by appending ? immediately after it. So, (pattern)? prefers a single match of the pattern, while (pattern)?? would rather omit the pattern altogether.

Match preference #

MATCH_RECOGNIZE is supposed to produce at most one match starting from a specific row. If there are more matches available, the winner is chosen based on the order of preference. The greedy and reluctant quantifiers are one example of preference. Other pattern components have their own rules:

  • pattern alternation prefers the left-hand components to the right-hand ones.

  • pattern permutation is equivalent to alternation of all permutations of its components. If multiple matches are possible, the match is chosen based on the lexicographical order established by the order of components in the PERMUTE list. For PERMUTE(A, B, C), the preference of options goes as follows: A B C, A C B, B A C, B C A, C A B, C B A.

Expressions for special tasks #

The MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause provides special expression syntax, available in the MEASURES and DEFINE clauses. Its purpose is to combine the input data with the information about the match. The syntax includes:

  • Pattern variable references

They allow referring to certain components of the match, for example DOWN.price, UP.order_date.

  • Logical navigation operations: LAST, FIRST

They allow you to navigate over the rows of a match based on the pattern variables assigned to them. For example, LAST(DOWN.price, 3) navigates to the last row labeled as “DOWN”, goes three occurrences of the “DOWN” label backwards, and gets the price value from that row. The default offset is 0: LAST(DOWN.price) gets the price value from the last row labeled as “DOWN”. If the logical navigation goes beyond the match bounds, the operation returns null.

  • Physical navigation operations: PREV, NEXT

They let you navigate over the rows of the partition by a specified offset. Physical navigations use logical navigations as the starting point. For example, NEXT(DOWN.price, 5) first navigates to the last row labeled as “DOWN”. Starting from there, it goes five rows forward and gets the price value from that row. In the preceding example, the logical navigation LAST is implicit, but you can specify the nested logical navigation explicitly, for example NEXT(FIRST(DOWN.price, 4), 5). The default offset is 1, which means that the physical navigations by default go one row backwards, or one row forward.

The physical navigation can retrieve values beyond the match bounds. It gives you great flexibility. For example, the defining conditions of pattern variables can peek at the values ahead. Also, when computing row pattern measures, you can refer to the wider context of the match.

  • The CLASSIFIER function

It returns the primary pattern variable associated with the row.

  • The MATCH_NUMBER function

It returns the sequential number of the match within the partition.

  • The RUNNING and FINAL keywords

The expressions in the DEFINE clause are evaluated when the pattern matching is in progress. At each step, the engine only knows a part of the match. This is the running semantics.

The expressions of the MEASURES clause are evaluated when the match is complete. The engine can see the whole match from the position of the final row. This is the final semantics.

However, with the ALL ROWS PER MATCH option, when the match result is processed row by row, you can choose either approach to compute the measures. To do that, you can specify the RUNNING or FINAL keyword before the logical navigation operation, for example RUNNING LAST(DOWN.price) or FINAL LAST(DOWN.price).

The running semantics is the default both in the DEFINE and MESAURES clauses. Note that FINAL only applies to the MEASURES clause.

To sum up, here’s one complex measure expression combining different elements of the special syntax:

Trino CLI show-off time! #

Now, let’s see the whole machinery come to life. This is the same example data that we used before, and the same goal: detect a “V”-shape of the price values over time for different customers.

trino> WITH orders(customer_id, order_date, price) AS (VALUES
    ('cust_1', DATE '2020-05-11', 100),
    ('cust_1', DATE '2020-05-12', 200),
    ('cust_2', DATE '2020-05-13',   8),
    ('cust_1', DATE '2020-05-14', 100),
    ('cust_2', DATE '2020-05-15',   4),
    ('cust_1', DATE '2020-05-16',  50),
    ('cust_1', DATE '2020-05-17', 100),
    ('cust_2', DATE '2020-05-18',   6))
SELECT customer_id, start_price, bottom_price, final_price, start_date, final_date
    FROM orders
            PARTITION BY customer_id
            ORDER BY order_date
                START.price AS start_price,
                LAST(DOWN.price) AS bottom_price,
                LAST(UP.price) AS final_price,
                START.order_date AS start_date,
                LAST(UP.order_date) AS final_date
            ONE ROW PER MATCH
            PATTERN (START DOWN+ UP+)
                DOWN AS price < PREV(price),
                UP AS price > PREV(price)

 customer_id | start_price | bottom_price | final_price | start_date | final_date
 cust_1      |         200 |           50 |         100 | 2020-05-12 | 2020-05-17
 cust_2      |           8 |            4 |           6 | 2020-05-13 | 2020-05-18
(2 rows)

Two matches are detected, one for cust_1, and one for cust_2.

Empty matches explained #

An empty match is a legit result of row pattern recognition. There are different pattern constructs that can result in an empty match. The empty pattern syntax () is the trivial one. Empty match can also result e.g. from quantification: A*, or alternation: A | ().

An empty match does not consume any input rows, but like every match, it is associated with a row, called the starting row. That is the row at which the pattern matching started. Note that if the pattern allows an empty match, it guarantees that no rows remain unmatched. Also, an empty match, as well as non-empty matches, gets a sequential number, which can be retrieved by the MATCH_NUMBER function.

Depending on your use case, you can consider empty matches informative or just see them as a leftover of the algorithm.

There’s one more thing linked to empty matches. Some patterns have the dangerous potential of looping endlessly over a piece that doesn’t consume any rows. It doesn’t have to be as explicit as ()*. There are complex patterns that don’t show their looping potential at first glance. We handled them carefully so that you never have to waste your time on looping queries.

In a few words, what’s so cool about row pattern matching? #

From the SQL viewpoint, you can think of row pattern matching as extended window functions. Window functions allow you to capture some dependencies in rows of data based on their relative position or value. Row pattern matching allows you to detect arbitrarily complicated dependencies, based not only on the input values but also on the details of the actual match and on the match number.

Before the introduction of MATCH_RECOGNIZE, you had to feed your data to external tools to reason about trends and patterns. Now, you can achieve it directly in your query, and even build your query upon the pattern recognition clause to further process the match results.

Row pattern matching is typically used:

  • in trade applications for tracking trends or identifying customers with specific behavioral patterns,

  • in shipping applications for tracking packages through all possible valid paths,

  • in financial applications for detecting unusual incidents, which might signal fraud.

What’s your use case?

I hope you enjoy Trino’s new feature. Refer to Trino docs for even more details, examples and usage tips. Please do reach out to us with any questions or issues. We plan to support row pattern matching in the WINDOW clause soon, so stay tuned!