65: Performance boosts
Manfred and Cole dive into the details of some changes in recent and upcoming Trino releases. They cover file compression and decompression improvements, the updated file system support, and other performance boosters.
- Introduction (0.0s)
- Releases 455, 456, and 457 (107.0s)
- JDBC driver JAR (404.0s)
- Concurrent write improvement with Delta Lake (473.0s)
- Adaptive plan optimization and join ordering (604.0s)
- Aircompressor and Airlift (850.0s)
- Java 23 (1304.0s)
- More Airlift and HTTP/2 (1483.0s)
- File system support changes (1770.0s)
- Client protocol improvements (2138.0s)
- Slack channel clean up (2445.0s)
- Closing issues (2590.0s)
- Rounding out with Trino Summit (2839.0s)