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Apache Phoenix Connector

Presto 312 introduces a new Apache Phoenix Connector, which allows Presto to query data stored in HBase using Apache Phoenix. This unlocks new capabilities that previously weren’t possible with Phoenix alone, such as federation (querying of multiple Phoenix clusters) and joining Phoenix data with data from other Presto data sources.

Setup #

To get started, simply drop in a new catalog properties file, such as etc/catalog/, which defines the following:

The phoenix.connection-url is the standard Phoenix connection string, which contains the zookeeper quorum host information and root zookeeper node.

The phoenix.config.resources is a comma separated list of configuration files, used to specify any custom connection properties.

Schema #

For the most part, data types in Phoenix match up with those in Presto, with a few minor exceptions. One thing to note, however, is that tables in Phoenix require a primary key, whereas Presto has no concept of primary keys. To handle this, the Phoenix connector uses a table property to specify the primary key. For example, consider the following statement in Phoenix:

CREATE TABLE example (
  pk_part_1 varchar,
  pk_part_2 varchar,
  val bigint
  CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (pk_part_1, pk_part_2)

The equivalent statement in Presto would look something like:

CREATE TABLE phoenix.default.example (
  pk_part_1 varchar,
  pk_part_2 varchar,
  val bigint
  rowkeys = 'pk_part_1,pk_part2'

Additional Phoenix and HBase table properties can be specified in a similar way. Note also that the default (empty) schema in Phoenix will always map to a Presto schema named “default”.

Beyond MapReduce #

When Phoenix users want to run long-running queries that scan over all/most of the data in a table, they typically have used the Phoenix MapReduce integration. However, this has limitations, as the document states:

Note: The SELECT query must not perform any aggregation or use DISTINCT as these are not supported by our map-reduce integration.

This is because the framework only constructs simple Mappers which scan over each region. To do more complex operations like aggregations, the framework would need Reducers as well. Someone could implement that, but then they would essentially be on the path towards rewriting Hive from scratch.

Presto now provides the ability to do these more complex operations. The Phoenix connector performs the same filtered scans as the MapReduce framework, but now the Presto engine does the aggregations, joins, etc.

Federation #

With the Phoenix connector, querying multiple Phoenix clusters is as easy as querying the respective catalogs. As a simple example, suppose we have one cluster in region us-west and another cluster in us-east. If we create two catalog files, and, then we can query both:

SELECT 'us-west' as region, * FROM phoenix_west.default.example
SELECT 'us-east' as region, * FROM phoenix_east.default.example

Joining with other data sources #

Another nice feature of Presto is the ability to join data in Phoenix with other data sources. Suppose we have the following tables:

customer (
  custkey bigint,
  comment varchar,
orders (
  orderkey bigint,
  custkey bigint,
  totalprice double,

Suppose further that:

  • Either table can hold large amounts of data
  • The customer comment field can change frequently
  • We want to be able to query for orders with a certain totalprice range, and join with the customer table to get the comment for these orders

Phoenix/HBase is a row-oriented storage solution with very fast lookup by primary key. On the other hand, ORC is a column-oriented file format that can filter results by column value very efficiently. So in this use case, it might make sense to store the customer table in Phoenix with custkey as the primary key, and the orders table in ORC, perhaps in an object store like S3. We can then use Presto to leverage the strengths of each of our data stores and combine OLTP with OLAP:

SELECT c.custkey, c.comment, o.totalprice
FROM phoenix.tpch.customer AS c
  SELECT custkey, totalprice FROM hive.tpch.orders WHERE totalprice < 100
) o
ON c.custkey = o.custkey

Inserting/Updating data #

In the prior example, since our customer data is coming from Phoenix, our OLTP store, we can easily insert new data:

INSERT INTO phoenix.tpch.customer VALUES (101, 'some comment')

Since Presto’s INSERT translates to Phoenix’s UPSERT, inserting is the same as updating - i.e. if there’s already a custkey of 101, then the comment will get updated instead.

Future work #

With upcoming improvements to Presto, there will be opportunities to further optimize the performance of the Phoenix connector.

One of the biggest ways Phoenix optimizes performance is through the use of HBase coprocessors, which allow custom code to be run on each regionserver. For example, to do aggregations, Phoenix runs a partial aggregation in the coprocessor of each table region, and the result for each region is then passed back to the client for a final aggregation. That way, the table data itself doesn’t need to be sent from each region to the client - just the partial aggregation result. However, currently only filters are pushed down to the Phoenix connector. With the ongoing work in Presto to support more complex pushdown to connectors, we will be able to pushdown operations like aggregations to the Phoenix connector, which in turn can push them further down to the HBase coprocessors.

Another area of potential improvement is integration with Presto’s cost-based optimizer, which can analyze table statistics to do things like join reordering. Phoenix already supports statistics collection, with more improvements underway, so this is just a matter of integrating with the Presto statistics framework.

Questions? #

If you have any questions about the connector, or Phoenix in general, feel free to ask on the Phoenix dev mailing list: [email protected].

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