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Beyond LIMIT, Presto meets OFFSET and TIES

Presto follows the SQL Standard faithfully. We extend it only when it is well justified, we strive to never break it and we always prefer the standard way of doing things. There was one situation where we stumbled, though. We had a non-standard way of limiting query results with LIMIT n without implementing the standard way of doing that first. We have corrected that, adding ANSI SQL way of limiting query results, discarding initial results and – a hidden gem – retaining initial results in case of ties.

Limiting query results #

Probably everyone using relational databases knows the LIMIT n syntax for limiting query results. It is supported by e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL and many more SQL engines following their example. It is so common that one could think that LIMIT n is the standard way of limiting the query results. Let’s have a look at how various popular SQL engines provide this feature.

  • DB2, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Redshift, MemSQL, SQLite and many others provide the ... LIMIT n syntax.
  • SQL Server provides SELECT TOP n ... syntax.
  • Oracle provides ... WHERE ROWNUM <= n syntax.

And what does the SQL Standard say?

FROM my_table

If we look again at the database systems mentioned above, it turns out many of them support the standard syntax too: Oracle, DB2, SQL Server and PostgreSQL (although that’s not documented currently).

And Presto? Presto has LIMIT n support since 2012. In Presto 310, we added also the FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY support.

Let’s have a look beyond the limits.

Tie break #

Admittedly, FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY syntax is way more verbose than the short LIMIT n syntax Presto always supported (and still does). However, it is also more powerful: it allows selecting rows “top n, ties included”. Consider a case where you want to list top 3 students with highest score on an exam. What happens if the 3rd, 4th and 5th persons have equal score? Which one should be returned? Instead of getting an arbitrary (and indeterminate) result you can use the FETCH FIRST n ROWS WITH TIES syntax:

SELECT student_name, score
FROM student s JOIN exam_result e ON = e.student_id
ORDER BY score

The FETCH FIRST n ROWS WITH TIES clause retains all rows with equal values of the ordering keys (the ORDER BY clause) as the last row that would be returned by the FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY clause.

Offset #

Per the SQL Standard, the FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY clause can be prepended with OFFSET m, to skip m initial rows. In such a case, it makes sense to use FETCH NEXT ... variant of the clause – it’s allowed with and without OFFSET, but definitely looks better with that clause.

SELECT student_name, score
FROM student s JOIN exam_result e ON = e.student_id
ORDER BY score

As an extension to SQL Standard, and for the brevity of this syntax, we also allow OFFSET with LIMIT:

SELECT student_name, score
FROM student s JOIN exam_result e ON = e.student_id
ORDER BY score

Concluding notes #

LIMIT / FETCH FIRST ... ROWS ONLY, FETCH FIRST ... WITH TIES and OFFSET are powerful and very useful clauses that come especially handy when writing ad-hoc queries over big data sets. They offer certain syntactic freedom beyond what is described here, so check out documentation of OFFSET Clause and LIMIT or FETCH FIRST Clauses for all the options. Since semantics of these clauses depend on query results being well ordered, they are best used with ORDER BY that defines proper ordering. Without proper ordering the results are arbitrary (except for WITH TIES) which may or may not be a problem, depending on the use case.

For scheduled queries, or queries that are part of some workflow (as opposed to ad-hoc), we recommend using query predicates (where relevant) instead of OFFSET. Read more at

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