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News from the community of users and contributors

Announcing Trino Summit 2024

Fresh off the heels of Trino Fest 2024, where Commander Bun Bun was busy meeting the Trino community in-person, we’re already looking forward to another, bigger event to round out the year in Trino. For those who’ve been here a while, you know that can only mean one thing: Trino Summit 2024. Much like last year, it will be a two-day, fully virtual event, hosting a wide range of talks covering all things Trino on the 11th and 12th of December. Read on for more info, or if you’re already convinced…

Join us online #

Trino Summit is an event that brings together engineers, analysts, data scientists, and anyone else interested in using or contributing to Trino. As the biggest Trino event of the year, we’re excited to bring together professionals from the big data and analytics community, so they can share experiences and insights, make connections, and learn from each other.

The event will be broadcast live, and speakers will be addressing questions asked in chat, so if you want the full experience, make sure to register and attend while the talks are happening. Even if you can’t make it, registering means you’ll be notified when we post videos of all talks to the Trino YouTube channel after the event, so don’t fret - sign up!

Call for speakers #

Interested in speaking? We want to hear from everyone in the Trino community who has something to share. We are looking for full sessions (about 30 minutes) and lightning talks (15 minutes). We welcome beginner to highly advanced submissions for talks that are connected to Trino.

A two-day event means we’ve got room for everything, so if you’re unsure about whether to submit a talk, go ahead and do it! We’ll review all submissions, and we’ll do our best to work with you to turn your talk into a smash hit. Some possible topics include:

  • Best practices and use cases
  • Data lake, lakehouse, and data federation architectures
  • Query federation and data migrations
  • Table formats, file formats, and metadata catalogs
  • Optimizations and performance improvements
  • Data engineering, including data cleaning, batch and streaming architectures, and maintenance
  • Streaming and other data ingestion and pipelines
  • Data science workflows and analytics
  • SQL analytics, business intelligence, dashboarding and other visualizations
  • Data governance and security
  • Writing advanced SQL queries and pipelines
  • Help for Trino deployment on-premise and in the cloud
  • Developing custom connectors and other plugins
  • Contributing to Trino

Want to speak?

Starburst is the organizing sponsor of the event, but to make Trino Summit a smashing success, they’re excited and interested in collaborating with other organizations within the community. If you are interested in sponsoring, email [email protected] for information.

And regardless of whether you’re planning on attending, speaking, or sponsoring, we look forward to seeing you soon!