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Trino blog

News from the community of users and contributors

Lakehouse summer camp at Trino Fest 2023

05 Apr 2023 | Brian Olsen

Get ready to kick off your summer with Commander Bun Bun at Trino Fest 2023! This year’s event is going virtual and will take place over two days, the 14th...

The rabbit reflects on Trino in 2022

10 Jan 2023 | Brian Olsen, Manfred Moser, Cole Bowden, Martin Traverso

It’s that time of the year where everyone gives excessively broad or niche predictions about the finance market, venture capital, or even the data industry. And we are now bombarded...

Cleaning up the Trino pull request backlog

09 Jan 2023 | Cole Bowden

At some point in the lifecycle of a successful open source project, it reaches a point where the number of incoming pull requests (PRs) outpace the project’s ability to get...

Using Trino to analyze a product-led growth (PLG) user activation funnel

23 Dec 2022 | Mei Long, Cole Bowden

As the holiday season approaches, we have reached the end of our Trino Summit 2022 recap posts. With the last talk of the summit, Mei Long from Upsolver gave an...

Using Trino with Apache Airflow for (almost) all your data problems

21 Dec 2022 | Philippe Gagnon, Brian Olsen

As we close in on the final talks from Trino Summit 2022, this next talk dives into how to set up Trino for batch processing. Trino has historically been well-known...

Journey to Iceberg with Trino

19 Dec 2022 | JaeChang Song, Jennifer Oh, Brian Olsen

This post comes from the second half of Trino Summit 2022 session. Our friends JaeChang and Jennifer from SK Telecom traveled across the globe from South Korea to join us...

Trino at Quora: Speed, cost, reliability challenges, and tips

16 Dec 2022 | Yifan Pan, Cole Bowden

As we near the end of the Trino Summit 2022 recap series, it’s time to take a stop at Quora. At Quora, being an engineer responsible for maintaining Trino comes...

Federating them all on Starburst Galaxy

14 Dec 2022 | Monica Miller

As the Trino Summit 2022 recap post series continues on, I have been reading all the wonderful posts by our awesome speakers, facilitated by the Trino developer relations team. Because...

Trino for large scale ETL at Lyft

12 Dec 2022 | Charles Song, Ritesh Varyani, Brian Olsen

Buckle up, for the next post in the Trino Summit 2022 recap series. In this post, we’re covering the talk given by Lyft engineers, Charles and Ritesh, on how they...

Rewriting History: Migrating petabytes of data to Apache Iceberg using Trino

09 Dec 2022 | Marc Laforet, Cole Bowden

Rolling right along with another one of our Trino Summit 2022 recap posts, we’re excited to bring you the engaging talk from Marc Laforet at Shopify. He talked about the...

Elevating data fabric to data mesh: Solving data needs in hybrid data lakes

07 Dec 2022 | Sajuman Joseph, Brian Olsen

Tune in for the next post in the Trino Summit 2022 recap series. In this post, we’re joining Saj from Comcast, to talk about their migration from a data fabric...

AI and poetry meet Trino

06 Dec 2022 | Martin Traverso, Marcos Traverso

Sometimes when working in the depth of the query engine core, the planner, the optimizer, or some other tricky problem or code, you run out of steam and need a...

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