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Trino blog

News from the community of users and contributors

Trino Summit 2022: Federating humans and data

19 Oct 2022 | Brian Olsen

Trino has long been the de facto standard to querying large data sets over your cloud or on-prem storage, also known as data lakes. This Trino Summit’s theme instead will...

Release of the second edition of Trino: The Definitive Guide

03 Oct 2022 | Manfred Moser, Martin Traverso, Matt Fuller

It was time for a refresh. A little while ago in April 2021, we announced the Trino version of our definitive guide. But again, Trino as a project and community...

Trino Summit 2022 will be legendary

22 Sep 2022 | Brian Olsen, Dain Sundstrom

Commander Bun Bun is back and this year we have an exciting lineup of speakers. Topics range from architectures like data mesh and data lakehouse, to running Trino at scale...

Trino charms Python

20 Sep 2022 | Manfred Moser, Brian Zhan, Dain Sundstrom

Wow, have we ever come a long way with Python support for Trino. It feels like ages ago that we talked about DB-API, trino-python-client, SQLAlchemy, Apache Superset, and more in...

Trino's tenth birthday celebration recap

12 Sep 2022 | Brian Olsen

What an exciting month we had in August! August marked the ten-year birthday of the Trino project. Don’t worry if you missed all the excitment as we’ve condensed it all...

Make your Trino data pipelines production ready with Great Expectations

24 Aug 2022 | Brian Olsen, Brian Zhan

An important aspect of a good data pipeline is ensuring data quality. You need to verify that the data is what you’re expecting it to be at any given state....

Happy tenth birthday Trino!

08 Aug 2022 | Brian Olsen, Martin Traverso, Dain Sundstrom, David Phillips, Eric Hwang

It’s inspiring and mindblowing to reflect on the ten year journey that has produced the community around Trino. Trino is the community-driven fork from Presto, the distributed big data SQL...

A decade of query engine innovation

04 Aug 2022 | Manfred Moser, Martin Traverso, Dain Sundstrom, David Phillips

It’s amazing how far we have come! Our massively-parallel processing SQL query engine, Trino, has really grown up. We have moved beyond just querying object stores using Hive, beyond just...

Why leaving Facebook/Meta was the best thing we could do for the Trino Community

02 Aug 2022 | Martin Traverso, Dain Sundstrom, and David Phillips

It might surprise some that our departure from Facebook was one of the simplest decisions we’ve ever made. Many posts that discuss leaving a FAANG company focus on leaving some...

Diving into polymorphic table functions with Trino

22 Jul 2022 | Kasia Findeisen, Brian Olsen, and Cole Bowden

In the Trino community, we know that being the coolest query engine is a tough job. We boldly face the intricacies of the SQL standard to bring you the newest...

Trino updates to Java 17

14 Jul 2022 | Cole Bowden

You’ve already read the title, and it’s exciting news - as of Trino version 390, which releases today, Trino has officially been updated from Java 11 to Java 17. This...

How to use Airflow with Trino

13 Jul 2022 | Willie Valdez

The recent addition of the fault-tolerant execution architecture, delivered to Trino by Project Tardigrade, makes the use of Trino for running your ETL workloads an even more compelling alternative than...

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