News from the community of users and contributors
This version adds support for reading ZSTD and LZ4-compressed Parquet data and writing ZSTD-compressed ORC data, improves compatibility with the Hive 2.3+ metastore, supports mixed-case field names in Elasticsearch, adds...
Presto 312 introduces a new Apache Phoenix Connector, which allows Presto to query data stored in HBase using Apache Phoenix. This unlocks new capabilities that previously weren’t possible with Phoenix...
Optimizers are all about doing work in the most cost-effective manner and avoiding unnecessary work. Some SQL constructs such as ORDER BY do not affect query results in many situations,...
This version fixes incorrect results for queries involving GROUPING SETS and LIMIT, fixes selecting the UUID type from the CLI and JDBC driver, and adds support for compression and encryption...
Queries involving IN and NOT IN over a subquery are much faster in Presto 312.
This version has many performance improvements (including cast optimization), a new UUID data type and uuid() function, a new Apache Phoenix connector, support for the PostgreSQL TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE...
Presto 312 adds support for the more flexible bucketing introduced in recent versions of Hive. Specifically, it allows any number of files per bucket, including zero. This allows inserting data...
The next release of Presto (version 312) will include a new optimization to remove unnecessary casts which might have been added implicitly by the query planner or explicitly by users...
Next month will mark the 2nd annual Presto Summit hosted by the Presto Software Foundation, Starburst Data, and Twitter. Last year’s event was a great success (see the Presto Summit...
This version adds standard OFFSET syntax, a new function combinations() for computing k-combinations of array elements, and support for nested collections in Cassandra. Release notes Download
Agenda Existing function support Function namespaces Connector-resolved functions SQL-defined functions Remote functions Polymorphic table functions
Presto is known for working well with Amazon S3. We recently made an improvement that greatly reduces network utilization and latency when reading ORC or Parquet data.