Release 0.207#


  • Fix a planning issue for queries where correlated references were used in VALUES.

  • Remove support for legacy JOIN ... USING behavior.

  • Change behavior for unnesting an array of row type to produce multiple columns.

  • Deprecate the reorder_joins session property and the reorder-joins configuration property. They are replaced by the join_reordering_strategy session property and the optimizer.join-reordering-strategy configuration property. NONE maintains the order of the joins as written and is equivalent to reorder_joins=false. ELIMINATE_CROSS_JOINS will eliminate any unnecessary cross joins from the plan and is equivalent to reorder_joins=true. AUTOMATIC will use the new cost-based optimizer to select the best join order. To simplify migration, setting the reorder_joins session property overrides the new session and configuration properties.

  • Deprecate the distributed_joins session property and the distributed-joins-enabled configuration property. They are replaced by the join_distribution_type session property and the join-distribution-type configuration property. PARTITIONED turns on hash partitioned joins and is equivalent to distributed_joins-enabled=true. BROADCAST changes the join strategy to broadcast and is equivalent to distributed_joins-enabled=false. AUTOMATIC will use the new cost-based optimizer to select the best join strategy. If no statistics are available, AUTOMATIC is the same as REPARTITIONED. To simplify migration, setting the distributed_joins session property overrides the new session and configuration properties.

  • Add support for column properties.

  • Add optimizer.max-reordered-joins configuration property to set the maximum number of joins that can be reordered at once using cost-based join reordering.

  • Add support for char type to approx_distinct().


  • Fail on startup when configuration for file based system access control is invalid.

  • Add support for securing communication between cluster nodes with Kerberos authentication.

Web UI#

  • Add peak total (user + system) memory to query details UI.

Hive connector#

  • Fix handling of VARCHAR(length) type in the optimized Parquet reader. Previously, predicate pushdown failed with Mismatched Domain types: varchar(length) vs varchar.

  • Fail on startup when configuration for file based access control is invalid.

  • Add support for HDFS wire encryption.

  • Allow ORC files to have struct columns with missing fields. This allows the table schema to be changed without rewriting the ORC files.

  • Change collector for columns statistics to only consider a sample of partitions. The sample size can be changed by setting the hive.partition-statistics-sample-size property.

Memory connector#

  • Add support for dropping schemas.


  • Remove deprecated table/view-level access control methods.

  • Change predicate in constraint for accessing table layout to be optional.

  • Change schema name in ConnectorMetadata to be optional rather than nullable.