Release 458 (17 Sep 2024)#


  • Improve performance for queries with a redundant DISTINCT clause. (#23087)


  • Add support for tracing with OpenTelemetry. (#23458)

  • Remove publishing a JDBC driver JAR without bundled, third-party dependencies. (#23452)

Druid connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

Delta Lake connector#

Exasol connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

Hive connector#

  • ⚠️ Breaking change: Deactivate legacy file system support for all catalogs. You must activate the desired file system support with fs.native-azure.enabled,fs.native-gcs.enabled, fs.native-s3.enabled, or fs.hadoop.enabled in each catalog. Use the migration guides for Azure Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and S3 to assist if you have not switched from legacy support. (#23343)

  • Add JMX monitoring to the native S3 file system support. (#23177)

  • Reduce the number of file system operations when reading tables with file system caching enabled. (#23327)

  • Improve the flush_metadata_cache procedure to include flushing the file status cache. (#22412)

  • Fix listing failure when Glue contains Hive unsupported tables. (#23253)

  • Fix rare, long planning times when Hive metastore caching is enabled. (#23401)

Hudi connector#

Iceberg connector#

MariaDB connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

MySQL connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

Oracle connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

PostgreSQL connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

Redshift connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

SingleStore connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

Snowflake connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)

SQL Server connector#

  • Reduce data transfer from remote systems for queries with large IN lists. (#23381)


  • Add @Constraint annotation for functions. (#23449)

  • Remove the deprecated constructor from the ConnectorTableLayout class. (#23395)