Release 417 (10 May 2023)#


  • Improve performance of UNION ALL queries. (#17265)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Add support for COMMENT ON VIEW. (#17089)

  • Improve performance when reading Parquet data written by Trino. (#17373, #17404)

  • Improve read performance for tables with row columns when only a subset of fields is needed for a query. (#17085)

Hive connector#

  • Add support for specifying arbitrary table properties via the extra_properties table property. (#954)

  • Improve performance when reading Parquet data written by Trino. (#17373, #17404)

  • Improve performance when reading text files that contain more columns in the file than are mapped in the schema. (#17364)

  • Limit file listing cache based on in-memory size instead of number of entries. This is configured via the hive.file-status-cache.max-retained-size and hive.per-transaction-file-status-cache.max-retained-size configuration properties. The hive.per-transaction-file-status-cache-maximum-size and hive.file-status-cache-size configuration properties are deprecated. (#17285)

Hudi connector#

  • Improve performance when reading Parquet data written by Trino. (#17373, #17404)

Iceberg connector#

  • Improve performance when reading Parquet data written by Trino. (#17373, #17404)