Release 455 (29 Aug 2024)#


  • Add query starting time in QueryStatistics in all Event listeners. (#23113)

  • Add JMX metrics for the bean trino.execution.executor.timesharing:name=TimeSharingTaskExecutor replacing metrics previously found in trino.execution.executor:name=TaskExecutor. (#22914)

  • Add support S3 file system encryption with fault-tolerant execution mode. (#22529)

  • Fix memory tracking issue for aggregations that could cause worker crashes with out-of-memory errors. (#23098)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Allow configuring endpoint for the native Azure filesystem. (#23071)

  • Improve stability for concurrent Glue connections. (#23039)

ClickHouse connector#

  • Add support for creating tables with the MergeTree engine without the order_by table property. (#23048)

Hive connector#

  • Allow configuring endpoint for the native Azure filesystem. (#23071)

  • Improve stability for concurrent Glue connections. (#23039)

  • Fix query failures when Parquet files contain column names that only differ in case. (#23050)

Hudi connector#

  • Allow configuring endpoint for the native Azure filesystem. (#23071)

Iceberg connector#

  • Allow configuring endpoint for the native Azure filesystem. (#23071)

  • Improve stability for concurrent Glue connections. (#23039)

  • Fix $files table not showing delete files with the Iceberg v2 format. (#16233)

OpenSearch connector#

  • Improve performance of queries that reference nested fields from OpenSearch documents. (#22646)


  • Fix potential failure for pushdown of euclidean_distance, cosine_distance and dot_product functions. (#23152)

Prometheus connector#

  • Add support for the catalog session properties query_chunk_size_duration and max_query_range_duration. (#22319)

Redshift connector#

  • Release resources in Redshift promptly when a query is cancelled. (#22774)