Release 429 (11 Oct 2023)#



  • Stop performing security checks for functions in the system.builtin schema. (#19160)

  • Remove support for using function kind as a rule in file-based access control. (#19160)

Web UI#

  • Log out from a Trino OAuth session when logging out from the Web UI. (#13060)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Allow using the # and ? characters in S3 location paths or URLs. (#19296)

Hive connector#

  • Add support for changing a column’s type from varchar to date. (#19201)

  • Add support for changing a column’s type from decimal to tinyint, smallint, integer, or bigint in partitioned Hive tables. (#19201)

  • Improve performance of reading ORC files. (#19295)

  • Allow using the # and ? characters in S3 location paths or URLs. (#19296)

  • Fix error reading Avro files when a schema has uppercase characters in its name. (#19249)

Hudi connector#

  • Allow using the # and ? characters in S3 location paths or URLs. (#19296)

Iceberg connector#

  • Add support for specifying timestamp precision as part of CREATE TABLE AS .. SELECT statements. (#13981)

  • Improve performance of reading ORC files. (#19295)

  • Allow using the # and ? characters in S3 location paths or URLs. (#19296)

MongoDB connector#

  • Fix mixed case schema names being inaccessible when using custom roles and the case-insensitive-name-matching configuration property is enabled. (#19218)


  • Change function security checks to return a boolean instead of throwing an exception. (#19160)

  • Add SQL path field to ConnectorViewDefinition, ConnectorMaterializedViewDefinition, and ViewExpression. (#19160)